Simple Present Tense


Simple Present Tense

 The simple present tense is used to describe habits, general truths, repeated actions of events, instructions, feelings.


·        I sometimes go to the gym.
·        I never eat fish.
·        We eat rice and curry every day.
·        He loves sandwiches.
·        They don't hope to see you soon.

Positive (affirmative)

When we write a sentence in the simple present tense with a singular noun, we have to change the verb to be singular, but in the plural, we don't change the verb.



1.      We play basketball twice a week.

2.      I drink tea in the morning.

3.      He works in a restaurant.

4.      The earth goes round the sun.

5.      Tim works very hard. He starts at 7.30am and finishes at 8 o clock in the evening

6.      Julia never eats breakfast.

7.      They always arrive at work early


Exercise 01

Select the correct verb form those given in brackets

1.      Shanthi ______________(Study/studies) in a an international school.

2.      James______________(work/works) in a reputed company.

3.      They______________(knows/know)the truth.

4.      I______________(like/likes)cup cakes.

5.      The postman______________(deliver, delivers)

6.      I usually______________(go, goes)by car but sometimes I ______________ (walk, walks)

7.      Tom______________(live, lives)near us. We often ______________ (see, sees)   him.

8.      It______________(rain, rains) a lot in winter.

