What are the punctuation marks you need to know???


Punctuation Marks

What is Punctuation..?

The English Language has a system of symbol and signs known as punctuation.

Why do we need punctuations?

Punctuations show us how to structure sent sentences and how each sentences should be read.

1.       Full stop  .

Marks the end of a sentence.

Ann went to the market. She bought some sweet.


2.       Comma  ,

Indicates a natural pause in a sentence or is used to separate items in a list.

Sam went to her friend house,she loves to go there.

Kate bought apples, bananas, pears and grapes from the market.


3.       Questions mark  ?

Indicate the end of a question.

How are you?

How do you know about that?


4.       Exclamation mark !

Mark the end of a dramatic statement or sentence.


Don’t run into the road!


5.       Quotation marks  ""

Indicate direct speech.

“I like to eat rice”

“What did you do yesterday?”asked Kamal.


6.       Parentheses (Round brackets)  (  )

Separates extra information from the rest of the sentence or add emphasis.Commas ca replace them without changing the sentence.

On weekends I visit James (my best friend).

Yesterday (Friday) was the last day of school.


7.       Square Brackets  [  ]

Used by the editor to indicate extra information.

The book states that “when climbing it [mountain],it is important to be very safe”


8.       Slash   /

Forward slash is used to indicate the word ‘or’ and can be used separate the day, month and year.

Please explain to the lawyer when he/she arrives.

The date today is 01/02/2023


9.       Hyphen  -

Used to join words or to separate syllabus in a word.

She is very self-confident

Her son is going to be four - years - old.


10.   En dash  

Indicates a period of time, range of numbers a distance.

She lived in London from 1999 – 2005.

The numbers range from 1-20.

The flight from Dubai – UK is very long.


11.   Ellipsis points   ...

Indicates omitted words or to add effect to a sentence.

She walked into the shop… then walked straight back out.

Omitted words


“Sorry… I forgot my homework” said Adam

Pause for effect


12.   Semicolon  ;

A punctuation mark that connects two separate but related independent clauses.

I missed the bus ; I guess I’m walking to school


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