Wh questions


Wh questions

We use question words to ask , to get information, to inquire about something.

1.     Who – to ask about a person


·        Who is this person?

·        Who knows about that?

·        Who did it?

·        Who do you think will win?

·        Who told you that?


2.     What – to know something, ask for information


·        What is that?

·        What do you know about that?

·        What does your father do?

·        What time do you go to bed?

·        What would you like to eat?


3.     When – to ask the time, period, date, month, Year etc.


·        When is your birthday?

·        When do you do your homework?

·        When does the train arrive?

·        When do you get up?

·        When were you born?


4.     Why – to ask the reason for something.


·        Why are you so happy?

·        Why did you learn English?

·        Why are cars so expensive?

·        Why do they sing songs?

·        Why are you late today?

5.     Where – to ask about the place.


·        Where are my shoes?

·        Where were you born?

·        Where does Somapala live?

·        Where will you go tomorrow?

·        Where do you want to have dinner?


6.     Which – to ask about the choice.


·        Which actor do you like the most?

·        Which one is mine?

·        Which colour do you prefer?

·        Which mountain is the tallest in the world?

·        Which drink is the best?


7.     How – to know how a person, thing or matter is. To ask about various things.


·        How are you?

·        How many pencils are there?

·        How often do you study?

·        How much is a kilo of rice?

·        How do you do that?


8.     Whose – to inquire about ownership, to whom it belongs.


·        Whose child is this?

·        Whose problem will it be?

·        Whose red car is that ?

·        Whose companies are they?

·        Whose shirt is the best?
